Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
200 lines
* *
* Ass-Subroutine to convert a 32k-picture (screenformat) to a packed *
* STAD-format. *
* *
* params: (sp) LONG return-adress *
* 4(sp) LONG source-adress (32k buffer) *
* 8(sp) LONG dest-adress of STAD-pic (33k buffer) *
* *
* returns: do WORD length of packed STAD-picture *
* *
* important: the two adresses are not removed from the stack (like trap) *
* *
* History: *
* Version 1.0 01.06.1991 Wolfgang Ley *
* - first version *
* Version 1.1 03.06.1991 Wolfgang Ley *
* - saving registers *
* - improved statistics *
* - no extra statistics-buffer anymore *
* Version 1.2 05.06.1991 Wolfgang Ley *
* - extra counter in v_pack removed *
* Version 1.3 25.06.1992 Jens Dittmer *
* - bug in h_pack removed (header) *
* Version 1.4 29.06.1992 Jens Dittmer *
* - algorithm improved -> much smaller code *
* Version 1.5 01.07.1992 Jens Dittmer *
* - improved statistics *
* Version 1.5b 11.07.1992 Wolfgang Ley *
* - extra rts removed *
* *
movem.l D1-A1,-(SP) ;save registers
movea.l 40(SP),A0 ;adress of 32k-picture
movea.l 44(SP),A1 ;adress of packes STAD-picture
; make some staticts (get most frequently used and the two less used bytes)
; --> choose PACK-/ID-/SPECIAL-byte
move.w #511,D0 ;index-register
stat_1: clr.b 0(A1,D0.w) ;clear byte-counters
dbra D0,stat_1
move.w #31999,D0 ;pointer within the picture
stat_2: move.b 0(A0,D0.w),D1 ;get byte
add.w D1,D1 ;double it
andi.w #$01FF,D1 ;clear the rest
addq.w #1,0(A1,D1.w) ;and count byte
dbra D0,stat_2 ;and so on...
move.w #510,D0 ;most frequently used byte till now
move.w 0(A1,D0.w),D1 ;get quantity
move.w #508,D2 ;counter to the rest
stat_3: cmp.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1 ;compare
bhs.s stat_4
move.w D2,D0 ;remember position
move.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1 ;and remember the quantity
stat_4: subq.w #2,D2 ;next entry
bpl.s stat_3 ;and again...
lsr.w #1,D0 ;that's the PACK-byte
move.b D0,D3 ;PACK-byte to D3
move.w #510,D0 ;less used byte till now
move.w 0(A1,D0.w),D1 ;get quantity
move.w #508,D2 ;counter to the rest
stat_5: cmp.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1 ;compare
blo.s stat_6
move.w D2,D0 ;remember position
move.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1 ;...and the quantity
beq.s stat_7 ;number=0 => exit loop
stat_6: subq.w #2,D2 ;next counter
bpl.s stat_5 ;and continue...
stat_7: move.w #32001,0(A1,D0.w) ;"clear" entry
lsr.w #1,D0 ;that's the ID-bByte
move.b D0,D4 ;ID-byte to D4
move.w #510,D0 ;like above...
move.w 0(A1,D0.w),D1
move.w #508,D2
stat_8: cmp.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1
blo.s stat_9
move.w D2,D0
move.w 0(A1,D2.w),D1
beq.s stat_a
stat_9: subq.w #2,D2
bpl.s stat_8
stat_a: lsr.w #1,D0 ;that's the SPEC-byte
move.b D0,D5 ;SPEC-Byte to D5
; pack horizontal and vertical, use smaller one as STAD-picture
; (validate if the compressed picture is really smaller - if not, use the
; uncompressed picture)
clr.w D0 ;clear offset
move.b #'p',0(A1,D0.w) ;write header #'pM85'
move.b #'M',1(A1,D0.w) ;(bytes, because address may be odd)
move.b #'8',2(A1,D0.w) ;'5' or '6' is appended at packing
move.b D4,4(A1,D0.w) ;write ID-Byte
move.b D3,5(A1,D0.w) ;write PACK-Byte
move.b D5,6(A1,D0.w) ;write SPEC-Byte
bsr.s h_pack ;pack horizontal
move.w D0,D7 ;remember length (horiz.)
bsr.s v_pack ;pack vertical
cmp.w D7,D0 ;vertical smaller?
bls.s check ;yes -> everything ok
bsr.s h_pack ;no -> pack again horizontal
check: cmpi.w #32000,D0 ;is the packed picture really
blo.s exit ;smaller?
move.w #31999,D0 ;if not, copy original 32k-pic
copy: move.b (A0)+,(A1)+
dbra D0,copy
move.w #32000,D0 ;length is 32000 bytes
exit: movem.l (SP)+,D1-A1 ;restore registers
rts ;that's it
; horizontal compress
h_pack: clr.w D6 ;source-index
moveq #7,D0 ;length of header
move.b #'5',3(A1,D6.w)
h_pack_1: clr.w D1 ;sequence-length 0
move.b 0(A0,D6.w),D2 ;read byte
h_pack_2: addq.w #1,D6 ;next column
cmpi.w #32000,D6 ;ready?
beq.s emit ;write code and terminate
cmpi.w #255,D1 ;max. seq.-length?
beq.s h_pack_3 ;write code and start new sequence
cmp.b 0(A0,D6.w),D2 ;next source-byte <> seq.byte?
bne.s h_pack_3 ;write code and start new sequence
addq.w #1,D1 ;increment length
bra.s h_pack_2 ;and read next...
h_pack_3: bsr.s emit ;store sequence
bra.s h_pack_1 ;and start new sequence